Conflict Management

CASP Bhavan MindSpeak Consultants Pvt Ltd., 3rd Floor, Wing A, Baner Pashan Link Road, Pune, Maharashtra, India

Be it at workplace or outside work, conflicts are bound to happen. In fact they are intrinsic part of our daily lives. Hence our ability to Manage Conflicts Effectively has a significant contribution, not only on our business and/or career growth, but also overall personal happiness index. Given today's fast paced life, it is important that there are people who understand conflicts and know how...

Smart Hiring

CASP Bhavan MindSpeak Consultants Pvt Ltd., 3rd Floor, Wing A, Baner Pashan Link Road, Pune, Maharashtra, India

{ "@context": "", "@type": "Event", "name": "Smart Hiring", "startDate" : "2017-02-04 T 09:30", "endDate" : "2017-02-04 T 13:00", "url" : "", "location" : { "@type" : "Place", "name" : "MindSpeak Consultants Pvt. Ltd.", "address" : "3rd Floor, Wing A, ASP Bhavan, Baner Pashan Link Road, Pune", "description" : "Smart Hiring - Shorten your hiring cycle" } } Smart Hiring helps you to Shorten your hiring...

Giving Effective Feedback

CASP Bhavan MindSpeak Consultants Pvt Ltd., 3rd Floor, Wing A, Baner Pashan Link Road, Pune, Maharashtra, India

A stitch in time saves nine. Same is true for Feedback as well. When given at right time and right context, it goes a long way in improving employee engagement and productivity. Giving Effective Feedback workshop helps you to understand and learn.. What is the purpose of Feedback? Who should give feedback to whom, when, where & how? Challenges & Opportunities Feedback Techniques The skill...

Delegating for Growth

CASP Bhavan MindSpeak Consultants Pvt Ltd., 3rd Floor, Wing A, Baner Pashan Link Road, Pune, Maharashtra, India

Do you know that not being able to delegate blocks your career growth? Do you know what all you need to take into account before delegating a task? Join us for the Delegating for Growth Workshop where you will understand and learn.. Why do we resist delegating tasks to others? Why do we need to delegate? Identify what to delegate, when and to whom? How...

Managing Stress Effectively

CASP Bhavan MindSpeak Consultants Pvt Ltd., 3rd Floor, Wing A, Baner Pashan Link Road, Pune, Maharashtra, India

Leading life in fasttrack, managing complex work requiring mental efforts, erratic working hours, looming deadlines, demanding relationships. Phew! Stress has definitely become ubiquitous part of our lives. And we all know, when not addressed and managed well, stress leads to an poor life quality by manifesting as unwell mind and body resulting in burnouts, health issues, strained relationships to mention a few. While we can’t...

Effective Conflict Management

Online Link will be shared with confirmed participants, Any, India

Be it at workplace or outside work, conflicts are bound to happen. In fact they are intrinsic part of our daily lives. Hence our ability to Manage Conflicts Effectively has a significant contribution, not only on our business and/or career growth, but also overall personal happiness index. Given today's fast paced life, it is important that there are people who understand conflicts and know how...

Understanding Change

Online Link will be shared with confirmed participants, Any, India

Understanding and assimilating change is not just about surviving—it’s about thriving in a dynamic world.