Managing Self Performance

CASP Bhavan MindSpeak Consultants Pvt Ltd., 3rd Floor, Wing A, Baner Pashan Link Road, Pune, Maharashtra, India

Does the very thought of performance review make your stomach churn? Does every appraisal meeting with your manager leave you feeling short-changed and dissatisfied? Do the growth prospects leave you disillusioned? Change all that. Join us for a few hours and learn how to change all that. Learn how to manage your performance by yourself and not depend on your managers feedback. Arm yourself with...

Conducting Effective Meetings

CASP Bhavan MindSpeak Consultants Pvt Ltd., 3rd Floor, Wing A, Baner Pashan Link Road, Pune, Maharashtra, India

When was it when you last enjoyed being part of a meeting? When did you last believe that the meeting you attended was effective? Ok, let's try it once more. When was the last time, you felt engaged during the entire meeting? Not easy to recall? Come join us to understand how to run your meetings in and engaging and effective manner. Learn the techniques...

Accelerating Career Growth

CASP Bhavan MindSpeak Consultants Pvt Ltd., 3rd Floor, Wing A, Baner Pashan Link Road, Pune, Maharashtra, India

Have you ever wondered how some people, even with mediocre abilities, are able to move up the career ladder faster than you? Are you tried of making case after case for your career growth with your manager/organisation and hit a wall everytime? Are you feeling stagnated in your career? Then this workshop is just what you need to help you change tracks. At this workshop...